How to Make Cardboard Picture Frames with Saltwash

If you’re looking to add a personal touch to your home décor without breaking the bank, making cardboard picture frames using Saltwash is the perfect project for you. Here at Sunny Side Design, we’re all about creating beautiful spaces in our homes on a budget! You can’t get any more budget-friendly than creating a gallery wall for FREE! It’s likely that we all have empty cardboard boxes at home. Don’t throw them out just yet. We’re so excited to show you how to create cardboard picture frames using Saltwash! Not only is this project cost effective, but it’s a great activity to…


How to Paint a Faux Concrete Finish

Do you love the trendy look of concrete? It’s possible to mix and cast your own concrete pots, however we are going to share in our tutorial How to Paint a Faux Concrete Finish. This technique uses a unique ingredient that creates convincing results; it’s not just paint… Creating concrete pots can be fun, however it takes a fair amount of time and energy. On the other hand painting a faux concrete finish is quick and easy and can transform an ordinary pot into an extraordinary piece. We will also share how to create a vintage texture on a pot or…


How To Make Vintage Textured Paint

Do you love a weathered and worn finish, that unique vintage and textured paint look? This style creates a sense of history to furniture, décor, artwork or even walls. We’d like to share some of our own ideas on how you can create this aged look on furniture or décor right in your own home using a simple technique! Sunny Side Design is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to As an Amazon Associate, this blog earns from…


Saltwash Tutorial

Hey guys, it’s me again, just plugging away here trying to get a bunch of posts out for ya!  What have you guys been up to?  What kind of activities have you been doing to survive this cold weather, or to make it more enjoyable?  We’re taking off again this weekend!  This time to another cold place near Denver CO, just for a quick weekend visit to meet our new baby niece!  One thing you may not know about me yet is that I am the “Ultimate Baby Hog”, and I’m proud to claim this title among my family and friends! …